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as well as for more information about me and my artworks.

T 0031 (0)6 250 136 42


Follow me on Instagram @marijevermeulen





Marije Vermeulen (Delft NL 1976) makes paintings, installations and wallpaintings.

Lucidity, color and energy are important elements in her work.

The clean-cut divisions, forms and color combinations find their origin in reality, which is transformed and evolved through an elaborate sketching process. This process consists of strict actions like taking measurements, halving, tilting and repeating. Together with the associative use of color and playful variations, Vermeulen creates both unpredictable and solid works.

The origins of the shapes and patterns in the work are often surprisingly romantic which you can sometimes find back in their titles.

There is an obvious link with modernist art traditions, like pop-art, minimalism and concrete art, without being strictly anchored in them. Vermeulen turns stringent rules and restrained execution into exuberant and dynamic works of the present.